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Java Edition:Enderman Holding Invalid Block

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Enderman Holding Invalid Block JE 2.gif

Currently, endermen can only hold 37 types of blocks but there have been several methods in earlier versions to obtain endermen holding other blocks.[1]

The first method is from Beta 1.8 Pre-release to Beta 1.8.1, right after endermen were added to the game, that allowed the endermen to pick up almost every full block, even more in Beta 1.8 Pre-release 2 and earlier.

A second method allowed netherrack to be picked up from 16w20a (1.10 snapshot) to 20w06a (1.16 snapshot).

A third method allow endermen to pick up snowy=true podzol, grass block, and mycelium from 17w47a (1.13 snapshot) to 1.16.2 Pre-release 1.

A fourth method allowed endermen to pick up flowering azalea leaves and flowering azaleas from 21w13a to 21w20a (1.17 snapshots). The final and most powerful method exists in 22w13oneBlockAtATime that causes any enderman that spawns in the version to spawn with random blocks with random block states.

The first and last of these methods are also used as a method to obtain many other discontinued items and blocks. In the first method, endermen who pick up unobtainable blocks or blocks with invalid data value can drop it as an item when killed in versions 15w31a (1.9 snapshot) or later. These endermen holding different data value blocks will also convert to other various blocks when updated to later versions. Using the last method, endermen can spawn with any unobtainable block, including items that are normally only obtainable with commands.


Any Solid Block Method

From Beta 1.8 Pre-release to Beta 1.8.1, endermen could pick up nearly any solid block in the game. The list of blocks available in Beta 1.8 Pre-release to Beta 1.8 Pre-release 2 is more expansive than those available from Beta 1.8 to Beta 1.8.1. From Beta 1.8 Pre-release to Beta 1.8 Pre-release 2, it was coded so that any block that used the renderAsNormalBlock could be picked up by the endermen. During Beta 1.8 to Beta 1.8.1, the list of blocks endermen could pick up was put directly into the code, removing the ability for bedrock, spawner, any block with an inventory, and several other blocks. The full list of which blocks are available during both these version ranges can be found below.

The blocks that are normally unobtainable as an item can be obtained by killing an endermen in 15w31a (1.9 snapshot) or later.

The endermen also retain the data value of the block they pick up allowing the acquisition of many invalid data value items. Many of the data values are lost or converted when updating past 14w25a (1.8 snapshot). Later, some data values convert to various block states when updated to 17w47a (1.13 snapshot) or later.

List of Possible Blocks

Below is a complete list of blocks endermen could pick up from Beta 1.8 Pre-release to Beta 1.8 Pre-release 2 and from Beta 1.8 to Beta 1.8.1.[2]

Table of Every Block Endermen Could Pick Up from Beta 1.8 Pre-release to Beta 1.8.1
Numeric ID 1.12 Alphanumeric ID Obtainable from Beta 1.8 Pre-release to Beta 1.8 Pre-release 2 ;) Obtainable from Beta 1.8 to Beta 1.8.1 Discontinued?
0 air Yes Yes No
1 stone Yes Yes Yes
2 grass Yes Yes No
3 dirt Yes Yes No
4 cobblestone Yes Yes Yes
5 planks Yes Yes Yes
7 bedrock Yes No Yes
12 sand Yes Yes No
13 gravel Yes Yes No
14 gold_ore Yes Yes Yes
15 iron_ore Yes Yes Yes
16 coal_ore Yes Yes Yes
17 log Yes Yes Yes
18 leaves Yes Yes Yes
19 sponge[3] Yes Yes Yes
20 glass Yes Yes Yes
21 lapis_ore Yes Yes Yes
22 lapis_block Yes Yes Yes
23 dispenser Yes No Yes
24 sandstone Yes Yes Yes
25 noteblock Yes No Yes
35 wool Yes Yes Yes
37 yellow_flower No Yes No
38 red_flower No Yes No
39 brown_mushroom No Yes No
40 red_mushroom No Yes No
41 gold_block Yes Yes Yes
42 iron_block Yes Yes Yes
43 double_stone_slab Yes No Yes
45 brick_block Yes Yes Yes
46 tnt Yes Yes No
47 bookshelf Yes Yes Yes
48 mossy_cobblestone Yes Yes Yes
49 obsidian Yes No Yes
52 mob_spawner Yes No Yes
54 chest Yes No Yes
56 diamond_ore Yes Yes Yes
57 diamond_block Yes Yes Yes
58 crafting_table Yes Yes Yes
61 furnace Yes No Yes
62 lit_furnace Yes No Yes
73 redstone_ore Yes Yes Yes
74 lit_redstone_ore Yes Yes Yes
79 ice Yes Yes Yes
80 snow_block Yes Yes Yes
81 cactus No Yes No
82 clay Yes Yes No
84 jukebox Yes No Yes
86 pumpkin Yes Yes No
87 netherrack Yes Yes Partial[4]
88 soul_sand Yes Yes Yes
89 glowstone Yes Yes Yes
91 lit_pumpkin Yes Yes Yes
95 stained_glass[5] Yes No Yes
97 monster_egg Yes No Yes
98 stonebrick Yes Yes Yes
99 brown_mushroom_block Yes Yes Yes
100 red_mushroom_block Yes Yes Yes
103 melon_block Yes Yes No

Data Value Conversion

All the blocks endermen could pick up in these versions could also have data values from 0 to 15. While many of these data values are not normally possible on the blocks, they can be obtained using block transmutation. Conveniently, the water block transmutation works during this version range and so the blocks can be generated in this version rather than storing them in earlier versions. For blocks that can't be changed using water block transmutation, preserved data value transmutation may be required in Infdev 20100327.

In later versions, endermen will have their data values convert to different data values and eventually block states. This conversion uses the code for blocks as opposed to the item conversion. Starting in 14w28a (1.8 snapshot), all invalid data values are converted to other data values, often 0. This conversion remains until 17w46a (1.13 snapshot). 17w47a (1.13 snapshot) introduced block states and removed data values causing completely different conversions. Different block states are separate discontinued features although sometimes they are unobservable. This conversion is mostly the same as conversion to 24w38a (present). A few changes to the conversion have occurred to block states since, specifically for leaves, TNT, and note blocks.[2]

This is the method used to obtain many invalid data value items. Enderman only drop items in versions 15w31a (1.9 snapshot) and later which is after the 14w28a conversion. Due to the conversion, it can only be used to get the IDV items when the block uses a data value not used by the item. The available IDV items using this method are dispenser, chest, furnace, lit furnace, cactus, jukebox, pumpkin, jack o'lantern, brown mushroom block, and red mushroom block.

Data Value Conversion into 14w28a - 17w46a

All the data values remained unchanged until 14w28a (1.8 snapshot). This version began converting any block with an unused data value to a used one, often to zero. This conversion remained until 17w46a (1.13 snapshot). The only difference in conversion was that in 14w28a some data values on some blocks resulted in the chunk being regenerated. The block IDs 54 (chest), 61 (furnace), or 62 (lit furnace) with data value 0, 1, 6, 7, 12, or 13 caused this regeneration, these are also noted on the table. This chunk regeneration bug is fixed in 14w28b.

Below is a table of all the conversions to different IDs when updating to this version span. Any nonzero data value that converts to zero is shaded gray to help show which data values change. Purple cells are data values that endermen are able to hold but that are not normally obtainable as items. In 15w31a+ those are the DVs that can drop unobtainable items. These blocks with purple backgrounds will have links to their respective pages. The double stone slab and lit redstone ore items are also unobtainable but they did not exist as items when enderman would drop them and so are not highlighted.

Numeric ID 1.7-1.12 ID 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 stone 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 grass 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 dirt 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 cobblestone 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 planks 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 bedrock 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 sand 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 gravel 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 gold_ore 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
15 iron_ore 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 coal_ore 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
17 log 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
18 leaves 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
19 sponge 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
20 glass 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
21 lapis_ore 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
22 lapis_block 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
23 dispenser 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 8 9
24 sandstone 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
25 noteblock 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
35 wool 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
41 gold_block 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
42 iron_block 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
43 double_stone_slab 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
45 bricks 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
46 tnt 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
47 bookshelf 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
48 mossy_cobblestone 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
49 obsidian 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
52 spawner 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
54 chest 2[6] 2[6] 2 3 4 5 2[6] 2[6] 2 3 4 5 2[6] 2[6] 2 3
56 diamond_ore 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
57 diamond_block 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
58 crafting_table 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
61 furnace 2[6] 2[6] 2 3 4 5 2[6] 2[6] 2 3 4 5 2[6] 2[6] 2 3
62 lit_furnace 2[6] 2[6] 2 3 4 5 2[6] 2[6] 2 3 4 5 2[6] 2[6] 2 3
73 redstone_ore 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
74 lit_redstone_ore 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
79 ice 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
80 snow_block 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
82 clay 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
84 jukebox 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
86 pumpkin 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
87 netherrack 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
88 soul_sand 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
89 glowstone 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
91 lit_pumpkin 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
95 stained_glass 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
97 monster_egg 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
98 stonebrick 0 1 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
99 brown_mushroom_block 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 0 0 14 15
100 red_mushroom_block 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 0 0 14 15
103 melon_block 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Data Value Conversion into 17w47a - Present

From 17w47a to 24w38a (present), the data values become different block states. A few changes have occurred to the conversion during this version span. The handling of conversion of IDV blocks was changed in 19w37a (1.15 snapshot). From 17w47a to 19w36a, any IDV blocks would be deleted and the enderman would hold nothing. In 19w37a (1.15 snapshot) and later the IDV blocks are handled properly and converted to the block with block states identical to that of another data value. The block states of leaves, note blocks, TNT, chest, and double stone slabs have all been changed in conversion. The chest and double stone slab gain the waterlogged=false block state in 18w10c (1.13 snapshot), updating either block without the block state to any version after 18w10c will cause it to gain the waterlogged=false state as well. Leaves used to have decayable and check_decay block states when updated into the range from 17w47a to 18w20c, if these are updated to later they will convert to the normal block states. Also, updating leaves within the range 18w21a to 18w22a will cause the enderman to hold nothing, the current conversion begun in 18w22b. TNT did not get the unstable block state until 18w30a (1.13.1 snapshot). Several TNT data values only start converting to unstable=true in 18w30b, the next snapshot, due to a bug. Note blocks will gain the block state powered=true only if updated to 17w47a (1.13 snapshot). In addition to the changes to block states, there were some block IDs that have changed. The spawner was mob_spawner from 17w47a to 1.13-pre4. The four types of <type>-wood used to be called <type>-bark from 17w47a to 1.13-pre4. And melon used to be called melon_block from 17w47a to 18w20a. These ID changes have no effect on the block but the most current ID is always displayed in the table.

Below is a table with all the conversions. Every cell that is shaded gray is deleted before 19w37a (1.15 snapshot). The number in that gray cell indicates which data value its conversion behaves identical to in 19w37a (1.15 snapshot) and later. For example, a gray zero means the block is removed from 17w47a to 19w36a and then converts to the same block state as data value zero from 19w37a to 24w38a (present). These numbers help simplify the table because every block that was deleted before 19w37a converts identical to some other block after this version. Any of the changed conversions noted above are also noted on the table.

Numeric ID
1.7-1.12 ID 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
stone stone[] granite[] polished_granite[] diorite[] polished_diorite[] andesite[] polished_andesite[] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
grass grass_block[snowy=false] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
dirt dirt[] coarse_dirt[] podzol[snowy=false] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
cobblestone cobblestone[] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
planks oak_planks[] spruce_planks[] birch_planks[] jungle_planks[] acacia_planks[] dark_oak_planks[] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
bedrock bedrock[] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
sand sand[] red_sand[] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
gravel gravel[] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
gold_ore gold_ore[] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
iron_ore iron_ore[] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
coal_ore coal_ore[] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
log oak_log[axis=y] spruce_log[axis=y] birch_log[axis=y] jungle_log[axis=y] oak_log[axis=x] spruce_log[axis=x] birch_log[axis=x] jungle_log[axis=x] oak_log[axis=z] spruce_log[axis=z] birch_log[axis=z] jungle_log[axis=z] oak_wood[axis=y][7] spruce_wood[axis=y][8] birch_wood[axis=y][9] jungle_wood[axis=y][10]
leaves oak_leaves[distance=7, persistent=false][11] spruce_leaves[distance=7, persistent=false][11] birch_leaves[distance=7, persistent=false][11] jungle_leaves[distance=7, persistent=false][11] oak_leaves[distance=7, persistent=false][12] spruce_leaves[distance=7, persistent=false][12] birch_leaves[distance=7, persistent=false][12] jungle_leaves[distance=7, persistent=false][12] oak_leaves[distance=7, persistent=false][13] spruce_leaves[distance=7, persistent=false][13] birch_leaves[distance=7, persistent=false][13] jungle_leaves[distance=7, persistent=false][13] oak_leaves[distance=7, persistent=false][14] spruce_leaves[distance=7, persistent=false][14] birch_leaves[distance=7, persistent=false][14] jungle_leaves[distance=7, persistent=false][14]
sponge sponge[] wet_sponge[] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
glass glass[] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
lapis_ore lapis_ore[] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
lapis_block lapis_block[] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
dispenser dispenser[triggered=false, facing=down] dispenser[triggered=false, facing=up] dispenser[triggered=false, facing=north] dispenser[triggered=false, facing=south] dispenser[triggered=false, facing=west] dispenser[triggered=false, facing=east] 0 0 dispenser[triggered=true, facing=down] dispenser[triggered=true, facing=up] dispenser[triggered=true, facing=north] dispenser[triggered=true, facing=south] dispenser[triggered=true, facing=west] dispenser[triggered=true, facing=east] 0 0
sandstone sandstone[] chiseled_sandstone[] cut_sandstone[] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
noteblock note_block[note=0, powered=false, instrument=harp][15] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
wool white_wool[] orange_wool[] magenta_wool[] light_blue_wool[] yellow_wool[] lime_wool[] pink_wool[] gray_wool[] light_gray_wool[] cyan_wool[] purple_wool[] blue_wool[] brown_wool[] green_wool[] red_wool[] black_wool[]
gold_block gold_block[] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
iron_block iron_block[] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
double_stone_slab smooth_stone_slab[waterlogged=false, type=double][16] sandstone_slab[waterlogged=false, type=double][16] petrified_oak_slab[waterlogged=false, type=double][16] cobblestone_slab[waterlogged=false, type=double][16] brick_slab[waterlogged=false, type=double][16] stone_brick_slab[waterlogged=false, type=double][16] nether_brick_slab[waterlogged=false, type=double][16] quartz_slab[waterlogged=false, type=double][16] smooth_stone[] smooth_sandstone[] petrified_oak_slab[waterlogged=false, type=double][16] cobblestone_slab[waterlogged=false, type=double][16] brick_slab[waterlogged=false, type=double][16] stone_brick_slab[waterlogged=false, type=double][16] nether_brick_slab[waterlogged=false, type=double][16] smooth_quartz[]
brick_block bricks[] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
tnt tnt[unstable=false] tnt[unstable=true][17] 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
bookshelf bookshelf[] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
mossy_cobblestone mossy_cobblestone[] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
obsidian obsidian[] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
mob_spawner spawner[][18] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
chest 2 2 chest[waterlogged=false, facing=north, type=single][16] chest[waterlogged=false, facing=south, type=single][16] chest[waterlogged=false, facing=west, type=single][16] chest[waterlogged=false, facing=east, type=single][16] 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
diamond_ore diamond_ore[] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
diamond_block diamond_block[] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
crafting_table crafting_table[] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
furnace 2 2 furnace[lit=false, facing=north] furnace[lit=false, facing=south] furnace[lit=false, facing=west] furnace[lit=false, facing=east] 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
lit_furnace 2 2 furnace[lit=true, facing=north] furnace[lit=true, facing=south] furnace[lit=true, facing=west] furnace[lit=true, facing=east] 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
redstone_ore redstone_ore[lit=false] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
lit_redstone_ore redstone_ore[lit=true] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ice ice[] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
snow_block snow_block[] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
clay clay[] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
jukebox jukebox[has_record=false] jukebox[has_record=true] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
pumpkin carved_pumpkin[facing=south] carved_pumpkin[facing=west] carved_pumpkin[facing=north] carved_pumpkin[facing=east] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
netherrack netherrack[] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
soul_sand soul_sand[] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
glowstone glowstone[] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
lit_pumpkin jack_o_lantern[facing=south] jack_o_lantern[facing=west] jack_o_lantern[facing=north] jack_o_lantern[facing=east] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
stained_glass white_stained_glass[] orange_stained_glass[] magenta_stained_glass[] light_blue_stained_glass[] yellow_stained_glass[] lime_stained_glass[] pink_stained_glass[] gray_stained_glass[] light_gray_stained_glass[] cyan_stained_glass[] purple_stained_glass[] blue_stained_glass[] brown_stained_glass[] green_stained_glass[] red_stained_glass[] black_stained_glass[]
monster_egg infested_stone[] infested_cobblestone[] infested_stone_bricks[] infested_mossy_stone_bricks[] infested_cracked_stone_bricks[] infested_chiseled_stone_bricks[] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
stonebrick stone_bricks[] mossy_stone_bricks[] cracked_stone_bricks[] chiseled_stone_bricks[] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
brown_mushroom_block brown_mushroom_block[east=false, south=false, north=false, west=false, up=false, down=false] brown_mushroom_block[east=false, south=false, north=true, west=true, up=true, down=false] brown_mushroom_block[east=false, south=false, north=true, west=false, up=true, down=false] brown_mushroom_block[east=true, south=false, north=true, west=false, up=true, down=false] brown_mushroom_block[east=false, south=false, north=false, west=true, up=true, down=false] brown_mushroom_block[east=false, south=false, north=false, west=false, up=true, down=false] brown_mushroom_block[east=true, south=false, north=false, west=false, up=true, down=false] brown_mushroom_block[east=false, south=true, north=false, west=true, up=true, down=false] brown_mushroom_block[east=false, south=true, north=false, west=false, up=true, down=false] brown_mushroom_block[east=true, south=true, north=false, west=false, up=true, down=false] mushroom_stem[east=true, south=true, north=true, west=true, up=false, down=false] brown_mushroom_block[east=false, south=false, north=false, west=false, up=false, down=false] brown_mushroom_block[east=false, south=false, north=false, west=false, up=false, down=false] brown_mushroom_block[east=false, south=false, north=false, west=false, up=false, down=false] brown_mushroom_block[east=true, south=true, north=true, west=true, up=true, down=true] mushroom_stem[east=true, south=true, north=true, west=true, up=true, down=true]
red_mushroom_block red_mushroom_block[east=false, south=false, north=false, west=false, up=false, down=false] red_mushroom_block[east=false, south=false, north=true, west=true, up=true, down=false] red_mushroom_block[east=false, south=false, north=true, west=false, up=true, down=false] red_mushroom_block[east=true, south=false, north=true, west=false, up=true, down=false] red_mushroom_block[east=false, south=false, north=false, west=true, up=true, down=false] red_mushroom_block[east=false, south=false, north=false, west=false, up=true, down=false] red_mushroom_block[east=true, south=false, north=false, west=false, up=true, down=false] red_mushroom_block[east=false, south=true, north=false, west=true, up=true, down=false] red_mushroom_block[east=false, south=true, north=false, west=false, up=true, down=false] red_mushroom_block[east=true, south=true, north=false, west=false, up=true, down=false] mushroom_stem[east=true, south=true, north=true, west=true, up=false, down=false] red_mushroom_block[east=false, south=false, north=false, west=false, up=false, down=false] red_mushroom_block[east=false, south=false, north=false, west=false, up=false, down=false] red_mushroom_block[east=false, south=false, north=false, west=false, up=false, down=false] red_mushroom_block[east=true, south=true, north=true, west=true, up=true, down=true] mushroom_stem[east=true, south=true, north=true, west=true, up=true, down=true]
melon melon[][19] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Unused Data Value

This section is a work in progress. 
Please help in the creation of this article by expanding or improving it.

Endermen can pick up any data value of the blocks on its list. Using block transmutation, the player can obtain normally impossible data values on blocks that enderman can pick up. The enderman can pick up these blocks anytime during the range but it is discontinued because the block can not always be obtained. In 14w28a, this becomes a deleted discontinued feature because the invalid data values are converted to regularly obtainable data values.

Cactus with Invalid Age Value

From Beta 1.8[test] to 1.16.2 Pre-release 1 endermen can pick up cactus and save its age value, varying from 0 to 15. Before 17w47a data values were used, with the same corresponding values. This was changed in 1.16.2 Pre-release-2 so the age value of cactus that enderman has picked up is always set to 0.

Non-collidable Blocks

Due to a bug, enderman could not pick up blocks that had no collision box from 15w49a (1.9 snapshot) to 19w44a (1.15 snapshot).[20] This discontinued enderman holding the 10 single tall flowers and 2 mushrooms that existed prior to this bug. The flowers were the dandelion, poppy, blue orchid, allium, azure bluet, red tulip, orange tulip, white tulip, pink tulip, and oxeye daisy. The mushrooms included both the brown and red variants. Enderman holding all these blocks were recontinued in 19w45a (1.15 snapshot) with the fix of this bug.


From 16w20a (1.10 snapshot) to 20w06a (1.16 snapshot), Enderman could carry netherrack. In 20w07a they lost the ability to carry netherrack but gained the ability to carry both variants of nylium. So to obtain endermen carrying netherrack you can either use the any block method or the netherrack method.

Snowy Grass/Mycelium/Podzol

From version 17w47a (1.13 snapshot) to 1.16.2 Pre-release 1, endermen could pick up snowy grass. They could also place it down and it would keep the state. If an enderman places or picks up snowy grass in a future version it simply converts to regular grass.[21] Also works with mycelium and podzol.

Flowering Azalea/Flowering Azalea Leaves

The enderman could pick up flowering azaleas and flowering azalea leaves from 21w13a (first obtainable) to 21w20a (1.17 snapshots). Endermen cannot pick up these blocks in the next version 1.17 Pre-release 1 or later due to the two bugs being fixed.[22][23]

22w13oneBlockAtATime Spawning

Pink Wither.png
Warning: April Fools' 
This feature requires April Fools' versions which may require file renaming or file deletion to load. See the Loading April Fools' Versions tutorial for more information.

In 22w13oneBlockAtATime, the April Fools' version, endermen spawn holding random blocks with random block states. This allows all possible blocks to be obtained including unobtainable ones. The unobtainable blocks they can spawn with makes this an incredibly powerful method to obtain many discontinued items & blocks. There are a total of 902 blocks and 22706 different block & block state combinations that can be obtained.

The block list contains all vanilla blocks and the generic_item_block. The generic_item_block is in the April Fools' version and has a block state "item" that can be any item.

Full List of Obtainable Blocks/Block States

Below is a collapsible table of all the blocks that enderman can spawn carrying. Each block is equally likely and has their block states listed next to them. The block states have their name and then the number of different values for that state right of them. The values of states are listed next to the number, comma separated unless it's a number, in which case, it uses a dash to show the range of possible numbers. Each block state is equally likely to be set to any value, including normally impossible combinations. For a list of all 22706 combinations of all these blocks and block states, see the list compiled by kahomayo.

List of Blocks Enderman Spawn Carrying 23w13oneBlockAtATime
Block Block State(s) Number of States
generic_item_block item 1105 (0-1104)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
grass_block snowy 2 (true, false)
podzol snowy 2 (true, false)
oak_sapling stage 2 (0-1)
spruce_sapling stage 2 (0-1)
birch_sapling stage 2 (0-1)
jungle_sapling stage 2 (0-1)
acacia_sapling stage 2 (0-1)
dark_oak_sapling stage 2 (0-1)
water level 16 (0-15)
lava level 16 (0-15)
oak_log axis 3 (x, y, z)
spruce_log axis 3 (x, y, z)
birch_log axis 3 (x, y, z)
jungle_log axis 3 (x, y, z)
acacia_log axis 3 (x, y, z)
dark_oak_log axis 3 (x, y, z)
stripped_spruce_log axis 3 (x, y, z)
stripped_birch_log axis 3 (x, y, z)
stripped_jungle_log axis 3 (x, y, z)
stripped_acacia_log axis 3 (x, y, z)
stripped_dark_oak_log axis 3 (x, y, z)
stripped_oak_log axis 3 (x, y, z)
oak_wood axis 3 (x, y, z)
spruce_wood axis 3 (x, y, z)
birch_wood axis 3 (x, y, z)
jungle_wood axis 3 (x, y, z)
acacia_wood axis 3 (x, y, z)
dark_oak_wood axis 3 (x, y, z)
stripped_oak_wood axis 3 (x, y, z)
stripped_spruce_wood axis 3 (x, y, z)
stripped_birch_wood axis 3 (x, y, z)
stripped_jungle_wood axis 3 (x, y, z)
stripped_acacia_wood axis 3 (x, y, z)
stripped_dark_oak_wood axis 3 (x, y, z)
oak_leaves distance 7 (1-7)
persistent 2 (true, false)
spruce_leaves distance 7 (1-7)
persistent 2 (true, false)
birch_leaves distance 7 (1-7)
persistent 2 (true, false)
jungle_leaves distance 7 (1-7)
persistent 2 (true, false)
acacia_leaves distance 7 (1-7)
persistent 2 (true, false)
dark_oak_leaves distance 7 (1-7)
persistent 2 (true, false)
azalea_leaves distance 7 (1-7)
persistent 2 (true, false)
flowering_azalea_leaves distance 7 (1-7)
persistent 2 (true, false)
dispenser facing 6 (north, east, south, west, up, down)
triggered 2 (true, false)
note_block instrument 16 (harp, basedrum, snare, hat, bass, flute, bell, guitar, chime, xylophone, iron_xylophone, cow_bell, didgeridoo, bit, banjo, pling)
note 25 (0-24)
powered 2 (true, false)
white_bed facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
occupied 2 (true, false)
part 2 (head, foot)
orange_bed facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
occupied 2 (true, false)
part 2 (head, foot)
magenta_bed facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
occupied 2 (true, false)
part 2 (head, foot)
light_blue_bed facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
occupied 2 (true, false)
part 2 (head, foot)
yellow_bed facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
occupied 2 (true, false)
part 2 (head, foot)
lime_bed facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
occupied 2 (true, false)
part 2 (head, foot)
pink_bed facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
occupied 2 (true, false)
part 2 (head, foot)
gray_bed facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
occupied 2 (true, false)
part 2 (head, foot)
light_gray_bed facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
occupied 2 (true, false)
part 2 (head, foot)
cyan_bed facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
occupied 2 (true, false)
part 2 (head, foot)
purple_bed facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
occupied 2 (true, false)
part 2 (head, foot)
blue_bed facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
occupied 2 (true, false)
part 2 (head, foot)
brown_bed facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
occupied 2 (true, false)
part 2 (head, foot)
green_bed facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
occupied 2 (true, false)
part 2 (head, foot)
red_bed facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
occupied 2 (true, false)
part 2 (head, foot)
black_bed facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
occupied 2 (true, false)
part 2 (head, foot)
powered_rail powered 2 (true, false)
shape 6 (north_south, east_west, ascending_east, ascending_west, ascending_north, ascending_south)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
detector_rail powered 2 (true, false)
shape 6 (north_south, east_west, ascending_east, ascending_west, ascending_north, ascending_south)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
sticky_piston extended 2 (true, false)
facing 6 (north, east, south, west, up, down)
tall_seagrass half 2 (upper, lower)
piston extended 2 (true, false)
facing 6 (north, east, south, west, up, down)
piston_head facing 6 (north, east, south, west, up, down)
short 2 (true, false)
type 2 (normal, sticky)
moving_piston facing 6 (north, east, south, west, up, down)
type 2 (normal, sticky)
tnt unstable 2 (true, false)
wall_torch facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
fire age 16 (0-15)
east 2 (true, false)
north 2 (true, false)
south 2 (true, false)
up 2 (true, false)
west 2 (true, false)
soul_fire age 26 (0-25)
oak_stairs facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
shape 5 (straight, inner_left, inner_right, outer_left, outer_right)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
chest facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
type 3 (single, left, right)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
redstone_wire east 3 (up, side, none)
north 3 (up, side, none)
power 16 (0-15)
south 3 (up, side, none)
west 3 (up, side, none)
wheat age 8 (0-7)
farmland moisture 8 (0-7)
furnace facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
lit 2 (true, false)
oak_sign rotation 16 (0-15)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
spruce_sign rotation 16 (0-15)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
birch_sign rotation 16 (0-15)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
acacia_sign rotation 16 (0-15)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
jungle_sign rotation 16 (0-15)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
dark_oak_sign rotation 16 (0-15)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
oak_door facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (upper, lower)
hinge 2 (left, right)
open 2 (true, false)
powered 2 (true, false)
ladder facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
rail shape 10 (north_south, east_west, ascending_east, ascending_west, ascending_north, ascending_south, south_east, south_west, north_west, north_east)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
cobblestone_stairs facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
shape 5 (straight, inner_left, inner_right, outer_left, outer_right)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
oak_wall_sign facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
spruce_wall_sign facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
birch_wall_sign facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
acacia_wall_sign facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
jungle_wall_sign facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
dark_oak_wall_sign facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
lever face 3 (floor, wall, ceiling)
facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
powered 2 (true, false)
stone_pressure_plate powered 2 (true, false)
iron_door facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (upper, lower)
hinge 2 (left, right)
open 2 (true, false)
powered 2 (true, false)
oak_pressure_plate powered 2 (true, false)
spruce_pressure_plate powered 2 (true, false)
birch_pressure_plate powered 2 (true, false)
jungle_pressure_plate powered 2 (true, false)
acacia_pressure_plate powered 2 (true, false)
dark_oak_pressure_plate powered 2 (true, false)
redstone_ore lit 2 (true, false)
deepslate_redstone_ore lit 2 (true, false)
redstone_torch lit 2 (true, false)
redstone_wall_torch facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
lit 2 (true, false)
stone_button face 3 (floor, wall, ceiling)
facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
powered 2 (true, false)
snow layers 8 (1-8)
cactus age 16 (0-15)
sugar_cane age 16 (0-15)
jukebox has_record 2 (true, false)
oak_fence east 2 (true, false)
north 2 (true, false)
south 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
west 2 (true, false)
basalt axis 3 (x, y, z)
polished_basalt axis 3 (x, y, z)
soul_wall_torch facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
nether_portal axis 2 (x, z)
carved_pumpkin facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
jack_o_lantern facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
cake bites 7 (0-6)
repeater delay 4 (1-4)
facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
locked 2 (true, false)
powered 2 (true, false)
oak_trapdoor facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
open 2 (true, false)
powered 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
spruce_trapdoor facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
open 2 (true, false)
powered 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
birch_trapdoor facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
open 2 (true, false)
powered 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
jungle_trapdoor facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
open 2 (true, false)
powered 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
acacia_trapdoor facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
open 2 (true, false)
powered 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
dark_oak_trapdoor facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
open 2 (true, false)
powered 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
brown_mushroom_block down 2 (true, false)
east 2 (true, false)
north 2 (true, false)
south 2 (true, false)
up 2 (true, false)
west 2 (true, false)
red_mushroom_block down 2 (true, false)
east 2 (true, false)
north 2 (true, false)
south 2 (true, false)
up 2 (true, false)
west 2 (true, false)
mushroom_stem down 2 (true, false)
east 2 (true, false)
north 2 (true, false)
south 2 (true, false)
up 2 (true, false)
west 2 (true, false)
iron_bars east 2 (true, false)
north 2 (true, false)
south 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
west 2 (true, false)
chain axis 3 (x, y, z)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
glass_pane east 2 (true, false)
north 2 (true, false)
south 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
west 2 (true, false)
attached_pumpkin_stem facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
attached_melon_stem facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
pumpkin_stem age 8 (0-7)
melon_stem age 8 (0-7)
vine east 2 (true, false)
north 2 (true, false)
south 2 (true, false)
up 2 (true, false)
west 2 (true, false)
glow_lichen down 2 (true, false)
east 2 (true, false)
north 2 (true, false)
south 2 (true, false)
up 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
west 2 (true, false)
oak_fence_gate facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
in_wall 2 (true, false)
open 2 (true, false)
powered 2 (true, false)
brick_stairs facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
shape 5 (straight, inner_left, inner_right, outer_left, outer_right)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
stone_brick_stairs facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
shape 5 (straight, inner_left, inner_right, outer_left, outer_right)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
mycelium snowy 2 (true, false)
nether_brick_fence east 2 (true, false)
north 2 (true, false)
south 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
west 2 (true, false)
nether_brick_stairs facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
shape 5 (straight, inner_left, inner_right, outer_left, outer_right)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
nether_wart age 4 (0-3)
brewing_stand has_bottle_0 2 (true, false)
has_bottle_1 2 (true, false)
has_bottle_2 2 (true, false)
water_cauldron level 3 (1-3)
powder_snow_cauldron level 3 (1-3)
end_portal_frame facing 6 (north, east, south, west, up, down)
redstone_lamp lit 2 (true, false)
cocoa age 3 (0-2)
facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
sandstone_stairs facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
shape 5 (straight, inner_left, inner_right, outer_left, outer_right)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
ender_chest facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
tripwire_hook attached 2 (true, false)
facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
powered 2 (true, false)
tripwire attached 2 (true, false)
disarmed 2 (true, false)
east 2 (true, false)
north 2 (true, false)
powered 2 (true, false)
south 2 (true, false)
west 2 (true, false)
spruce_stairs facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
shape 5 (straight, inner_left, inner_right, outer_left, outer_right)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
birch_stairs facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
shape 5 (straight, inner_left, inner_right, outer_left, outer_right)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
jungle_stairs facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
shape 5 (straight, inner_left, inner_right, outer_left, outer_right)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
command_block conditional 2 (true, false)
facing 6 (north, east, south, west, up, down)
cobblestone_wall east 3 (none, low, tall)
north 3 (none, low, tall)
south 3 (none, low, tall)
up 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
west 3 (none, low, tall)
mossy_cobblestone_wall east 3 (none, low, tall)
north 3 (none, low, tall)
south 3 (none, low, tall)
up 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
west 3 (none, low, tall)
carrots age 8 (0-7)
potatoes age 8 (0-7)
oak_button face 3 (floor, wall, ceiling)
facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
powered 2 (true, false)
spruce_button face 3 (floor, wall, ceiling)
facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
powered 2 (true, false)
birch_button face 3 (floor, wall, ceiling)
facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
powered 2 (true, false)
jungle_button face 3 (floor, wall, ceiling)
facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
powered 2 (true, false)
acacia_button face 3 (floor, wall, ceiling)
facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
powered 2 (true, false)
dark_oak_button face 3 (floor, wall, ceiling)
facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
powered 2 (true, false)
skeleton_skull rotation 16 (0-15)
skeleton_wall_skull facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
wither_skeleton_skull rotation 16 (0-15)
wither_skeleton_wall_skull facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
zombie_head rotation 16 (0-15)
zombie_wall_head facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
player_head rotation 16 (0-15)
player_wall_head facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
creeper_head rotation 16 (0-15)
creeper_wall_head facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
dragon_head rotation 16 (0-15)
dragon_wall_head facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
anvil facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
chipped_anvil facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
damaged_anvil facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
trapped_chest facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
type 3 (single, left, right)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
light_weighted_pressure_plate power 16 (0-15)
heavy_weighted_pressure_plate power 16 (0-15)
comparator facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
mode 2 (compare, subtract)
powered 2 (true, false)
daylight_detector inverted 2 (true, false)
power 16 (0-15)
hopper enabled 2 (true, false)
facing 5 (down, north, south, west, east)
quartz_pillar axis 3 (x, y, z)
quartz_stairs facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
shape 5 (straight, inner_left, inner_right, outer_left, outer_right)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
activator_rail powered 2 (true, false)
shape 6 (north_south, east_west, ascending_east, ascending_west, ascending_north, ascending_south)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
dropper facing 6 (north, east, south, west, up, down)
triggered 2 (true, false)
white_stained_glass_pane east 2 (true, false)
north 2 (true, false)
south 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
west 2 (true, false)
orange_stained_glass_pane east 2 (true, false)
north 2 (true, false)
south 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
west 2 (true, false)
magenta_stained_glass_pane east 2 (true, false)
north 2 (true, false)
south 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
west 2 (true, false)
light_blue_stained_glass_pane east 2 (true, false)
north 2 (true, false)
south 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
west 2 (true, false)
yellow_stained_glass_pane east 2 (true, false)
north 2 (true, false)
south 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
west 2 (true, false)
lime_stained_glass_pane east 2 (true, false)
north 2 (true, false)
south 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
west 2 (true, false)
pink_stained_glass_pane east 2 (true, false)
north 2 (true, false)
south 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
west 2 (true, false)
gray_stained_glass_pane east 2 (true, false)
north 2 (true, false)
south 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
west 2 (true, false)
light_gray_stained_glass_pane east 2 (true, false)
north 2 (true, false)
south 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
west 2 (true, false)
cyan_stained_glass_pane east 2 (true, false)
north 2 (true, false)
south 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
west 2 (true, false)
purple_stained_glass_pane east 2 (true, false)
north 2 (true, false)
south 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
west 2 (true, false)
blue_stained_glass_pane east 2 (true, false)
north 2 (true, false)
south 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
west 2 (true, false)
brown_stained_glass_pane east 2 (true, false)
north 2 (true, false)
south 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
west 2 (true, false)
green_stained_glass_pane east 2 (true, false)
north 2 (true, false)
south 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
west 2 (true, false)
red_stained_glass_pane east 2 (true, false)
north 2 (true, false)
south 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
west 2 (true, false)
black_stained_glass_pane east 2 (true, false)
north 2 (true, false)
south 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
west 2 (true, false)
acacia_stairs facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
shape 5 (straight, inner_left, inner_right, outer_left, outer_right)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
dark_oak_stairs facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
shape 5 (straight, inner_left, inner_right, outer_left, outer_right)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
light level 16 (0-15)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
iron_trapdoor facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
open 2 (true, false)
powered 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
prismarine_stairs facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
shape 5 (straight, inner_left, inner_right, outer_left, outer_right)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
prismarine_brick_stairs facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
shape 5 (straight, inner_left, inner_right, outer_left, outer_right)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
dark_prismarine_stairs facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
shape 5 (straight, inner_left, inner_right, outer_left, outer_right)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
prismarine_slab type 3 (top, bottom, double)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
prismarine_brick_slab type 3 (top, bottom, double)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
dark_prismarine_slab type 3 (top, bottom, double)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
hay_block axis 3 (x, y, z)
sunflower half 2 (upper, lower)
lilac half 2 (upper, lower)
rose_bush half 2 (upper, lower)
peony half 2 (upper, lower)
tall_grass half 2 (upper, lower)
large_fern half 2 (upper, lower)
white_banner rotation 16 (0-15)
orange_banner rotation 16 (0-15)
magenta_banner rotation 16 (0-15)
light_blue_banner rotation 16 (0-15)
yellow_banner rotation 16 (0-15)
lime_banner rotation 16 (0-15)
pink_banner rotation 16 (0-15)
gray_banner rotation 16 (0-15)
light_gray_banner rotation 16 (0-15)
cyan_banner rotation 16 (0-15)
purple_banner rotation 16 (0-15)
blue_banner rotation 16 (0-15)
brown_banner rotation 16 (0-15)
green_banner rotation 16 (0-15)
red_banner rotation 16 (0-15)
black_banner rotation 16 (0-15)
white_wall_banner facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
orange_wall_banner facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
magenta_wall_banner facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
light_blue_wall_banner facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
yellow_wall_banner facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
lime_wall_banner facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
pink_wall_banner facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
gray_wall_banner facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
light_gray_wall_banner facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
cyan_wall_banner facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
purple_wall_banner facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
blue_wall_banner facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
brown_wall_banner facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
green_wall_banner facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
red_wall_banner facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
black_wall_banner facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
red_sandstone_stairs facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
shape 5 (straight, inner_left, inner_right, outer_left, outer_right)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
oak_slab type 3 (top, bottom, double)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
spruce_slab type 3 (top, bottom, double)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
birch_slab type 3 (top, bottom, double)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
jungle_slab type 3 (top, bottom, double)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
acacia_slab type 3 (top, bottom, double)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
dark_oak_slab type 3 (top, bottom, double)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
stone_slab type 3 (top, bottom, double)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
smooth_stone_slab type 3 (top, bottom, double)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
sandstone_slab type 3 (top, bottom, double)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
cut_sandstone_slab type 3 (top, bottom, double)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
petrified_oak_slab type 3 (top, bottom, double)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
cobblestone_slab type 3 (top, bottom, double)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
brick_slab type 3 (top, bottom, double)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
stone_brick_slab type 3 (top, bottom, double)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
nether_brick_slab type 3 (top, bottom, double)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
quartz_slab type 3 (top, bottom, double)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
red_sandstone_slab type 3 (top, bottom, double)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
cut_red_sandstone_slab type 3 (top, bottom, double)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
purpur_slab type 3 (top, bottom, double)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
spruce_fence_gate facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
in_wall 2 (true, false)
open 2 (true, false)
powered 2 (true, false)
birch_fence_gate facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
in_wall 2 (true, false)
open 2 (true, false)
powered 2 (true, false)
jungle_fence_gate facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
in_wall 2 (true, false)
open 2 (true, false)
powered 2 (true, false)
acacia_fence_gate facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
in_wall 2 (true, false)
open 2 (true, false)
powered 2 (true, false)
dark_oak_fence_gate facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
in_wall 2 (true, false)
open 2 (true, false)
powered 2 (true, false)
spruce_fence east 2 (true, false)
north 2 (true, false)
south 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
west 2 (true, false)
birch_fence east 2 (true, false)
north 2 (true, false)
south 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
west 2 (true, false)
jungle_fence east 2 (true, false)
north 2 (true, false)
south 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
west 2 (true, false)
acacia_fence east 2 (true, false)
north 2 (true, false)
south 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
west 2 (true, false)
dark_oak_fence east 2 (true, false)
north 2 (true, false)
south 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
west 2 (true, false)
spruce_door facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (upper, lower)
hinge 2 (left, right)
open 2 (true, false)
powered 2 (true, false)
birch_door facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (upper, lower)
hinge 2 (left, right)
open 2 (true, false)
powered 2 (true, false)
jungle_door facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (upper, lower)
hinge 2 (left, right)
open 2 (true, false)
powered 2 (true, false)
acacia_door facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (upper, lower)
hinge 2 (left, right)
open 2 (true, false)
powered 2 (true, false)
dark_oak_door facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (upper, lower)
hinge 2 (left, right)
open 2 (true, false)
powered 2 (true, false)
end_rod facing 6 (north, east, south, west, up, down)
chorus_plant down 2 (true, false)
east 2 (true, false)
north 2 (true, false)
south 2 (true, false)
up 2 (true, false)
west 2 (true, false)
chorus_flower age 6 (0-5)
purpur_pillar axis 3 (x, y, z)
purpur_stairs facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
shape 5 (straight, inner_left, inner_right, outer_left, outer_right)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
beetroots age 4 (0-3)
repeating_command_block conditional 2 (true, false)
facing 6 (north, east, south, west, up, down)
chain_command_block conditional 2 (true, false)
facing 6 (north, east, south, west, up, down)
frosted_ice age 4 (0-3)
bone_block axis 3 (x, y, z)
observer facing 6 (north, east, south, west, up, down)
powered 2 (true, false)
shulker_box facing 6 (north, east, south, west, up, down)
white_shulker_box facing 6 (north, east, south, west, up, down)
orange_shulker_box facing 6 (north, east, south, west, up, down)
magenta_shulker_box facing 6 (north, east, south, west, up, down)
light_blue_shulker_box facing 6 (north, east, south, west, up, down)
yellow_shulker_box facing 6 (north, east, south, west, up, down)
lime_shulker_box facing 6 (north, east, south, west, up, down)
pink_shulker_box facing 6 (north, east, south, west, up, down)
gray_shulker_box facing 6 (north, east, south, west, up, down)
light_gray_shulker_box facing 6 (north, east, south, west, up, down)
cyan_shulker_box facing 6 (north, east, south, west, up, down)
purple_shulker_box facing 6 (north, east, south, west, up, down)
blue_shulker_box facing 6 (north, east, south, west, up, down)
brown_shulker_box facing 6 (north, east, south, west, up, down)
green_shulker_box facing 6 (north, east, south, west, up, down)
red_shulker_box facing 6 (north, east, south, west, up, down)
black_shulker_box facing 6 (north, east, south, west, up, down)
white_glazed_terracotta facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
orange_glazed_terracotta facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
magenta_glazed_terracotta facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
light_blue_glazed_terracotta facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
yellow_glazed_terracotta facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
lime_glazed_terracotta facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
pink_glazed_terracotta facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
gray_glazed_terracotta facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
light_gray_glazed_terracotta facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
cyan_glazed_terracotta facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
purple_glazed_terracotta facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
blue_glazed_terracotta facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
brown_glazed_terracotta facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
green_glazed_terracotta facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
red_glazed_terracotta facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
black_glazed_terracotta facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
kelp age 26 (0-25)
turtle_egg eggs 4 (1-4)
hatch 3 (0-2)
dead_tube_coral waterlogged 2 (true, false)
dead_brain_coral waterlogged 2 (true, false)
dead_bubble_coral waterlogged 2 (true, false)
dead_fire_coral waterlogged 2 (true, false)
dead_horn_coral waterlogged 2 (true, false)
tube_coral waterlogged 2 (true, false)
brain_coral waterlogged 2 (true, false)
bubble_coral waterlogged 2 (true, false)
fire_coral waterlogged 2 (true, false)
horn_coral waterlogged 2 (true, false)
dead_tube_coral_fan waterlogged 2 (true, false)
dead_brain_coral_fan waterlogged 2 (true, false)
dead_bubble_coral_fan waterlogged 2 (true, false)
dead_fire_coral_fan waterlogged 2 (true, false)
dead_horn_coral_fan waterlogged 2 (true, false)
tube_coral_fan waterlogged 2 (true, false)
brain_coral_fan waterlogged 2 (true, false)
bubble_coral_fan waterlogged 2 (true, false)
fire_coral_fan waterlogged 2 (true, false)
horn_coral_fan waterlogged 2 (true, false)
dead_tube_coral_wall_fan facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
dead_brain_coral_wall_fan facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
dead_bubble_coral_wall_fan facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
dead_fire_coral_wall_fan facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
dead_horn_coral_wall_fan facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
tube_coral_wall_fan facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
brain_coral_wall_fan facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
bubble_coral_wall_fan facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
fire_coral_wall_fan facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
horn_coral_wall_fan facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
sea_pickle pickles 4 (1-4)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
conduit waterlogged 2 (true, false)
bamboo age 2 (0-1)
leaves 3 (none, small, large)
stage 2 (0-1)
bubble_column drag 2 (true, false)
polished_granite_stairs facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
shape 5 (straight, inner_left, inner_right, outer_left, outer_right)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
smooth_red_sandstone_stairs facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
shape 5 (straight, inner_left, inner_right, outer_left, outer_right)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
mossy_stone_brick_stairs facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
shape 5 (straight, inner_left, inner_right, outer_left, outer_right)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
polished_diorite_stairs facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
shape 5 (straight, inner_left, inner_right, outer_left, outer_right)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
mossy_cobblestone_stairs facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
shape 5 (straight, inner_left, inner_right, outer_left, outer_right)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
end_stone_brick_stairs facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
shape 5 (straight, inner_left, inner_right, outer_left, outer_right)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
stone_stairs facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
shape 5 (straight, inner_left, inner_right, outer_left, outer_right)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
smooth_sandstone_stairs facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
shape 5 (straight, inner_left, inner_right, outer_left, outer_right)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
smooth_quartz_stairs facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
shape 5 (straight, inner_left, inner_right, outer_left, outer_right)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
granite_stairs facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
shape 5 (straight, inner_left, inner_right, outer_left, outer_right)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
andesite_stairs facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
shape 5 (straight, inner_left, inner_right, outer_left, outer_right)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
red_nether_brick_stairs facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
shape 5 (straight, inner_left, inner_right, outer_left, outer_right)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
polished_andesite_stairs facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
shape 5 (straight, inner_left, inner_right, outer_left, outer_right)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
diorite_stairs facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
shape 5 (straight, inner_left, inner_right, outer_left, outer_right)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
polished_granite_slab type 3 (top, bottom, double)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
smooth_red_sandstone_slab type 3 (top, bottom, double)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
mossy_stone_brick_slab type 3 (top, bottom, double)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
polished_diorite_slab type 3 (top, bottom, double)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
mossy_cobblestone_slab type 3 (top, bottom, double)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
end_stone_brick_slab type 3 (top, bottom, double)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
smooth_sandstone_slab type 3 (top, bottom, double)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
smooth_quartz_slab type 3 (top, bottom, double)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
granite_slab type 3 (top, bottom, double)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
andesite_slab type 3 (top, bottom, double)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
red_nether_brick_slab type 3 (top, bottom, double)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
polished_andesite_slab type 3 (top, bottom, double)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
diorite_slab type 3 (top, bottom, double)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
brick_wall east 3 (none, low, tall)
north 3 (none, low, tall)
south 3 (none, low, tall)
up 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
west 3 (none, low, tall)
prismarine_wall east 3 (none, low, tall)
north 3 (none, low, tall)
south 3 (none, low, tall)
up 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
west 3 (none, low, tall)
red_sandstone_wall east 3 (none, low, tall)
north 3 (none, low, tall)
south 3 (none, low, tall)
up 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
west 3 (none, low, tall)
mossy_stone_brick_wall east 3 (none, low, tall)
north 3 (none, low, tall)
south 3 (none, low, tall)
up 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
west 3 (none, low, tall)
granite_wall east 3 (none, low, tall)
north 3 (none, low, tall)
south 3 (none, low, tall)
up 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
west 3 (none, low, tall)
stone_brick_wall east 3 (none, low, tall)
north 3 (none, low, tall)
south 3 (none, low, tall)
up 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
west 3 (none, low, tall)
nether_brick_wall east 3 (none, low, tall)
north 3 (none, low, tall)
south 3 (none, low, tall)
up 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
west 3 (none, low, tall)
andesite_wall east 3 (none, low, tall)
north 3 (none, low, tall)
south 3 (none, low, tall)
up 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
west 3 (none, low, tall)
red_nether_brick_wall east 3 (none, low, tall)
north 3 (none, low, tall)
south 3 (none, low, tall)
up 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
west 3 (none, low, tall)
sandstone_wall east 3 (none, low, tall)
north 3 (none, low, tall)
south 3 (none, low, tall)
up 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
west 3 (none, low, tall)
end_stone_brick_wall east 3 (none, low, tall)
north 3 (none, low, tall)
south 3 (none, low, tall)
up 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
west 3 (none, low, tall)
diorite_wall east 3 (none, low, tall)
north 3 (none, low, tall)
south 3 (none, low, tall)
up 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
west 3 (none, low, tall)
scaffolding bottom 2 (true, false)
distance 8 (0-7)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
loom facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
barrel facing 6 (north, east, south, west, up, down)
open 2 (true, false)
smoker facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
lit 2 (true, false)
blast_furnace facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
lit 2 (true, false)
grindstone face 3 (floor, wall, ceiling)
facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
lectern facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
has_book 2 (true, false)
powered 2 (true, false)
stonecutter facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
bell attachment 4 (floor, ceiling, single_wall, double_wall)
facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
powered 2 (true, false)
lantern hanging 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
soul_lantern hanging 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
campfire facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
lit 2 (true, false)
signal_fire 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
soul_campfire facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
lit 2 (true, false)
signal_fire 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
sweet_berry_bush age 4 (0-3)
warped_stem axis 3 (x, y, z)
stripped_warped_stem axis 3 (x, y, z)
warped_hyphae axis 3 (x, y, z)
stripped_warped_hyphae axis 3 (x, y, z)
crimson_stem axis 3 (x, y, z)
stripped_crimson_stem axis 3 (x, y, z)
crimson_hyphae axis 3 (x, y, z)
stripped_crimson_hyphae axis 3 (x, y, z)
weeping_vines age 26 (0-25)
twisting_vines age 26 (0-25)
crimson_slab type 3 (top, bottom, double)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
warped_slab type 3 (top, bottom, double)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
crimson_pressure_plate powered 2 (true, false)
warped_pressure_plate powered 2 (true, false)
crimson_fence east 2 (true, false)
north 2 (true, false)
south 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
west 2 (true, false)
warped_fence east 2 (true, false)
north 2 (true, false)
south 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
west 2 (true, false)
crimson_trapdoor facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
open 2 (true, false)
powered 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
warped_trapdoor facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
open 2 (true, false)
powered 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
crimson_fence_gate facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
in_wall 2 (true, false)
open 2 (true, false)
powered 2 (true, false)
warped_fence_gate facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
in_wall 2 (true, false)
open 2 (true, false)
powered 2 (true, false)
crimson_stairs facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
shape 5 (straight, inner_left, inner_right, outer_left, outer_right)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
warped_stairs facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
shape 5 (straight, inner_left, inner_right, outer_left, outer_right)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
crimson_button face 3 (floor, wall, ceiling)
facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
powered 2 (true, false)
warped_button face 3 (floor, wall, ceiling)
facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
powered 2 (true, false)
crimson_door facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (upper, lower)
hinge 2 (left, right)
open 2 (true, false)
powered 2 (true, false)
warped_door facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (upper, lower)
hinge 2 (left, right)
open 2 (true, false)
powered 2 (true, false)
crimson_sign rotation 16 (0-15)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
warped_sign rotation 16 (0-15)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
crimson_wall_sign facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
warped_wall_sign facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
structure_block mode 4 (save, load, corner, data)
jigsaw orientation 12 (down_east, down_north, down_south, down_west, up_east, up_north, up_south, up_west, west_up, east_up, north_up, south_up)
composter level 9 (0-8)
target power 16 (0-15)
bee_nest facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
honey_level 6 (0-5)
beehive facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
honey_level 6 (0-5)
respawn_anchor charges 5 (0-4)
blackstone_stairs facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
shape 5 (straight, inner_left, inner_right, outer_left, outer_right)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
blackstone_wall east 3 (none, low, tall)
north 3 (none, low, tall)
south 3 (none, low, tall)
up 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
west 3 (none, low, tall)
blackstone_slab type 3 (top, bottom, double)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
polished_blackstone_brick_slab type 3 (top, bottom, double)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
polished_blackstone_brick_stairs facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
shape 5 (straight, inner_left, inner_right, outer_left, outer_right)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
polished_blackstone_brick_wall east 3 (none, low, tall)
north 3 (none, low, tall)
south 3 (none, low, tall)
up 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
west 3 (none, low, tall)
polished_blackstone_stairs facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
shape 5 (straight, inner_left, inner_right, outer_left, outer_right)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
polished_blackstone_slab type 3 (top, bottom, double)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
polished_blackstone_pressure_plate powered 2 (true, false)
polished_blackstone_button face 3 (floor, wall, ceiling)
facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
powered 2 (true, false)
polished_blackstone_wall east 3 (none, low, tall)
north 3 (none, low, tall)
south 3 (none, low, tall)
up 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
west 3 (none, low, tall)
candle candles 4 (1-4)
lit 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
white_candle candles 4 (1-4)
lit 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
orange_candle candles 4 (1-4)
lit 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
magenta_candle candles 4 (1-4)
lit 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
light_blue_candle candles 4 (1-4)
lit 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
yellow_candle candles 4 (1-4)
lit 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
lime_candle candles 4 (1-4)
lit 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
pink_candle candles 4 (1-4)
lit 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
gray_candle candles 4 (1-4)
lit 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
light_gray_candle candles 4 (1-4)
lit 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
cyan_candle candles 4 (1-4)
lit 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
purple_candle candles 4 (1-4)
lit 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
blue_candle candles 4 (1-4)
lit 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
brown_candle candles 4 (1-4)
lit 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
green_candle candles 4 (1-4)
lit 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
red_candle candles 4 (1-4)
lit 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
black_candle candles 4 (1-4)
lit 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
candle_cake lit 2 (true, false)
white_candle_cake lit 2 (true, false)
orange_candle_cake lit 2 (true, false)
magenta_candle_cake lit 2 (true, false)
light_blue_candle_cake lit 2 (true, false)
yellow_candle_cake lit 2 (true, false)
lime_candle_cake lit 2 (true, false)
pink_candle_cake lit 2 (true, false)
gray_candle_cake lit 2 (true, false)
light_gray_candle_cake lit 2 (true, false)
cyan_candle_cake lit 2 (true, false)
purple_candle_cake lit 2 (true, false)
blue_candle_cake lit 2 (true, false)
brown_candle_cake lit 2 (true, false)
green_candle_cake lit 2 (true, false)
red_candle_cake lit 2 (true, false)
black_candle_cake lit 2 (true, false)
amethyst_cluster facing 6 (north, east, south, west, up, down)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
large_amethyst_bud facing 6 (north, east, south, west, up, down)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
medium_amethyst_bud facing 6 (north, east, south, west, up, down)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
small_amethyst_bud facing 6 (north, east, south, west, up, down)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
sculk_sensor power 16 (0-15)
sculk_sensor_phase 3 (inactive, active, cooldown)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
sculk_vein down 2 (true, false)
east 2 (true, false)
north 2 (true, false)
south 2 (true, false)
up 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
west 2 (true, false)
sculk_catalyst bloom 2 (true, false)
oxidized_cut_copper_stairs facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
shape 5 (straight, inner_left, inner_right, outer_left, outer_right)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
weathered_cut_copper_stairs facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
shape 5 (straight, inner_left, inner_right, outer_left, outer_right)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
exposed_cut_copper_stairs facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
shape 5 (straight, inner_left, inner_right, outer_left, outer_right)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
cut_copper_stairs facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
shape 5 (straight, inner_left, inner_right, outer_left, outer_right)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
oxidized_cut_copper_slab type 3 (top, bottom, double)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
weathered_cut_copper_slab type 3 (top, bottom, double)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
exposed_cut_copper_slab type 3 (top, bottom, double)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
cut_copper_slab type 3 (top, bottom, double)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
waxed_oxidized_cut_copper_stairs facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
shape 5 (straight, inner_left, inner_right, outer_left, outer_right)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
waxed_weathered_cut_copper_stairs facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
shape 5 (straight, inner_left, inner_right, outer_left, outer_right)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
waxed_exposed_cut_copper_stairs facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
shape 5 (straight, inner_left, inner_right, outer_left, outer_right)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
waxed_cut_copper_stairs facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
shape 5 (straight, inner_left, inner_right, outer_left, outer_right)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
waxed_oxidized_cut_copper_slab type 3 (top, bottom, double)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
waxed_weathered_cut_copper_slab type 3 (top, bottom, double)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
waxed_exposed_cut_copper_slab type 3 (top, bottom, double)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
waxed_cut_copper_slab type 3 (top, bottom, double)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
lightning_rod facing 6 (north, east, south, west, up, down)
powered 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
pointed_dripstone thickness 5 (tip_merge, tip, frustum, middle, base)
vertical_direction 2 (up, down)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
cave_vines age 26 (0-25)
berries 2 (true, false)
cave_vines_plant berries 2 (true, false)
big_dripleaf facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
tilt 4 (none, unstable, partial, full)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
big_dripleaf_stem facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
small_dripleaf facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (upper, lower)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
hanging_roots waterlogged 2 (true, false)
deepslate axis 3 (x, y, z)
cobbled_deepslate_stairs facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
shape 5 (straight, inner_left, inner_right, outer_left, outer_right)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
cobbled_deepslate_slab type 3 (top, bottom, double)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
cobbled_deepslate_wall east 3 (none, low, tall)
north 3 (none, low, tall)
south 3 (none, low, tall)
up 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
west 3 (none, low, tall)
polished_deepslate_stairs facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
shape 5 (straight, inner_left, inner_right, outer_left, outer_right)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
polished_deepslate_slab type 3 (top, bottom, double)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
polished_deepslate_wall east 3 (none, low, tall)
north 3 (none, low, tall)
south 3 (none, low, tall)
up 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
west 3 (none, low, tall)
deepslate_tile_stairs facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
shape 5 (straight, inner_left, inner_right, outer_left, outer_right)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
deepslate_tile_slab type 3 (top, bottom, double)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
deepslate_tile_wall east 3 (none, low, tall)
north 3 (none, low, tall)
south 3 (none, low, tall)
up 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
west 3 (none, low, tall)
deepslate_brick_stairs facing 4 (north, south, west, east)
half 2 (top, bottom)
shape 5 (straight, inner_left, inner_right, outer_left, outer_right)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
deepslate_brick_slab type 3 (top, bottom, double)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
deepslate_brick_wall east 3 (none, low, tall)
north 3 (none, low, tall)
south 3 (none, low, tall)
up 2 (true, false)
waterlogged 2 (true, false)
west 3 (none, low, tall)
infested_deepslate axis 3 (x, y, z)

Discontinued Item/Blocks Obtainable

This section is a work in progress. 
Please help in the creation of this article by expanding or improving it.

Since Endermen can spawn holding any block, this includes many normally unobtainable blocks. The generic_item_block block, the only block exclusive to 22w13oneBlockAtATime, can have a block state for any item in the game as well. The "item" codes from 0 to 1104 can be matched with their block using kahomayo's compiled list.

23w13a_or_b Endermen Holding Any Block

In 23w13a_or_b, enabling the endermen_pick_up_anything vote rule would allow endermen to pick up any block possible, including usually unbreakable blocks. Be warned, this can cause damage to your world as the endermen will begin to replace many blocks in different places.


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Block Placement Prevention

The first step to retaining this discontinued mob is to not allow it to place its block. Surprisingly, the enderman can place a block within its own hitbox. To prevent this the entire cage of the enderman must not contain any air. If you plan to create a 1x3x1 location for the enderman then buttons can be placed on the wall to stop it from placing there. If you plan to create its cage larger then open fence gates can also give the same effect. Additionally, the enderman can place blocks 2 blocks away from there current location. To prevent this the cage's wall (glass suggested if you want to see it) should be 2 thick.

Also, enderman can only place blocks onto full blocks that render as normal in the code. This means the cage can have a floor of nonfull blocks to prevent placement as well. For a list of all blocks that render as normal, look at the table for which blocks enderman can pick up in Beta 1.8 Pre-release to Beta 1.8 Pre-release 2 ;).

Despawning Prevention

Until 13w16b (1.6 snapshot) with the advent of the name tag, there wasn't any method to prevent enderman from despawning. There are two feasible workarounds. The first method is to upgrade straight to 1.6 from Beta 1.8. Using this method will not allow you to get all of the discontinued features in between the version but depending on what the player plans to accomplish it may be the best method. The other method is to store the enderman in unloaded chunks. To do this, the player either should turn their render distance as low as possible and then walk away from the enderman or more reliably, exit through nether portal. This will unload the chunk and save the enderman in it. Then you must make sure never to reload the chunk until you have a name tag to use on it. When you do have the name tag and plan to re-enter the chunk make sure to turn your render distance as low as possible once again or go through the nether portal.

Non-0 Data Values

From Beta 1.8 Pre-release to Beta 1.9 Prerelease, Endermen would set their held blocks Data Value to 0 when they were loaded. It is possible to create and save these endermen in these versions, but loading them for a second time causes their data value to be set to 0. This issue can be avoided by not loading such endermen again, until Beta 1.9 Prerelease 2.


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Please help in the creation of this article by expanding or improving it.

Held Blocks

Version Span Number of Different Discontinued Endermen Possible Number of Observably Different Discontinued Endermen Possible Number of Different Endermen Possible Number of Observably Different Endermen Possible Reason for Change
Beta 1.8 Pre-release to Beta 1.8 Pre-release 2 ;) 0 0 864[24] Endermen were first added during this version span and so there were no blocks they could hold which were discontinued.
Beta 1.8 to Beta 1.8.1 192[25] 752[26] The list of blocks enderman could hold was completely changed in Beta 1.8.
Beta 1.9 Prerelease to 14w21b
14w25a to 14w27b
14w28b to 17w46a
17w47a to 18w30a
18w30b to 24w38a (present)



Discontinued Endermen in 1.17.1


See also


  1. Endermen can currently pick up the following blocks: cactus, clay, coarse dirt, rooted dirt, dirt, dandelion, poppy, blue orchid, allium, azure bluet, red tulip, orange tulip, white tulip, pink tulip, oxeye daisy, cornflower, lily of the valley, wither rose, crimson fungus, warped fungus, crimson roots, warped roots, grass block, gravel, melon, red mushroom, brown mushroom, mycelium, crimson nylium, warped nylium, podzol, pumpkin, jack o'lantern, moss block, red sand, sand, and TNT
  2. 2.0 2.1 Block list and conversion list possible due to kahomayo's code reading. Github Source.
  3. Sponge is the only block that enderman could pick up but was not obtainable from Beta 1.8 Pre-release to Beta 1.8.1. Sponges could be obtained in earlier versions though.
  4. See the Netherrack section
  5. Was locked chest before 13w41a (1.7 snapshot)
  6. 6.00 6.01 6.02 6.03 6.04 6.05 6.06 6.07 6.08 6.09 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 6.14 6.15 6.16 6.17 Only in 14w28a (1.8 snapshot) loading this enderman will cause the chunk it is inside to regenerate.
  7. This ID was oak_bark from 17w47a to 1.13-pre4
  8. This ID was spruce_bark from 17w47a to 1.13-pre4
  9. This ID was birch_bark from 17w47a to 1.13-pre4
  10. This ID was jungle_bark from 17w47a to 1.13-pre4
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 From 17w47a to 18w20c, the block states for this conversion were [check_decay=false, decayable=true]. If this is updated to a version after 18w22a it will convert to the default [distance=7, persistent=false] states. Updating the data value straight to 18w21a to 18w22a will cause the enderman to have the leaves deleted and leave it holding nothing. However, updating the [check_decay=false, decayable=true] leaves into 18w21a to 18w22a will cause it to keep these block states. The current conversion began in 18w22b.
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 From 17w47a to 18w20c, the block states for this conversion were [check_decay=false, decayable=false]. If this is updated to a version after 18w22a it will convert to the default [distance=7, persistent=false] states. Updating the data value straight to 18w21a to 18w22a will cause the enderman to have the leaves deleted and leave it holding nothing. However, updating the [check_decay=false, decayable=false] leaves into 18w21a to 18w22a will cause it to keep these block states. The current conversion began in 18w22b.
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 From 17w47a to 18w20c, the block states for this conversion were [check_decay=true, decayable=true]. If this is updated to a version after 18w22a it will convert to the default [distance=7, persistent=false] states. Updating the data value straight to 18w21a to 18w22a will cause the enderman to have the leaves deleted and leave it holding nothing. However, updating the [check_decay=true, decayable=true] leaves into 18w21a to 18w22a will cause it to keep these block states. The current conversion began in 18w22b.
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 From 17w47a to 18w20c, the block states for this conversion were [check_decay=true, decayable=false]. If this is updated to a version after 18w22a it will convert to the default [distance=7, persistent=false] states. Updating the data value straight to 18w21a to 18w22a will cause the enderman to have the leaves deleted and leave it holding nothing. However, updating the [check_decay=true, decayable=false] leaves into 18w21a to 18w22a will cause it to keep these block states. The current conversion began in 18w22b.
  15. Converted to note_block[note=0, powered=true, instrument=harp] only in 17w47a (1.13 snapshot)
  16. 16.00 16.01 16.02 16.03 16.04 16.05 16.06 16.07 16.08 16.09 16.10 16.11 16.12 16.13 16.14 16.15 16.16 The waterlogged=false block state did not exist before 18w10c (1.13 snapshot). Updating this block without the waterlogged block state to a version 18w10c or later will cause it to gain the waterlogged=false block state as well.
  17. The conversion to Unstable TNT does not convert until 18w30b (1.13.1 snapshot) because of MC-122563 and MC-134858. From 17w47a to 18w30a, all TNT would convert to regular TNT which is not discontinued.
  18. This ID was mob_spawner from 17w47a to 1.13-pre4
  19. This ID was melon_block from 17w47a to 18w20a
  20. MC-155758.
  21. MC-124320.
  22. MC-221819.
  23. MC-221820.
  24. The 54 blocks endermen were able to pick up, in all 16 data values
  25. The 12 blocks that became impossible to obtain from Beta 1.8 Pre-releases in all 16 data values.
  26. The 47 blocks endermen were able to pick up, in all 16 data values