Category:Java Edition:Recontinued

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A Recontinued Feature is a feature that was previously discontinued but has since been recontinued. These features are hard to categorize when it comes to categories with exclusivity, as such each method and version range should be taken into account when categorizing these features. Meaning it isn't the features themselves that make them exclusive, rather it's the methods and their version ranges.


There are different types of recontinued features based on how many times a feature was recontinued, or the time between being discontinued and being recontinued.

  • Single Recontinuation - The feature was only discontinued once, and was recontinued afterwards.
  • Double Recontinuation - The feature was discontinued twice prior to being fully recontinued.
  • Triple Recontinuation - The feature was discontinued three times prior to being fully recontinued.
  • Brief Recontinuation - The feature was discontinued for a short amount of time.

Pages in category "Java Edition:Recontinued"

The following 66 pages are in this category, out of 66 total.