Category:Java Edition:Item Data Values

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This category contains all pages which cover Item Data Value Discontinued Features. These features are exclusively[1] obtainable as items, meaning either no Block form can be obtained, or the block form is normally obtainable but the data value doesn't normally transfer to the item[2].

Specific Definitions

A Data Value refers to:

  • Minecraft: Java Edition used to classify items internally using numeric IDs, this was changed in 17w47a (1.13 snapshot), the version that introduced "The Flattening", where all items now have namespace format IDs that closely match the names in game.
  • These features have all since been Deleted, or rather converted to normal, during "The Flattening".
  • While some of these items are visually distinct from their base form, most are identical, making them Indirectly Observable features.
  1. An exception is given to Recontinued Features, where in "Exclusive" refers to each individual method and its respective version range. Meaning it isn't the features themselves that make them exclusive, rather it's the methods and their version ranges. This means that these features are allowed to be included in multiple exclusive categories.
  2. For example, wood blocks, they can normally be in different orientations (which is just a difference in data value), but the harvested items are all identical in data value, usually.

Pages in category "Java Edition:Item Data Values"

The following 41 pages are in this category, out of 41 total.